Breastfeeding doesn’t have to suck.

You always thought breastfeeding would be easy enough. You never expected it to be… impossibly hard? There’s latching, positioning, pumping, and more. Because the biggest lie about breastfeeding is that it should come naturally. But let’s get something straight: this shit can be hard. And you weren’t meant to do hard things alone.

That’s why I created Boob School.

This is the course + community that will give you the confidence + comfort you need for breastfeeding.

The only breastfeeding program you’ll ever need
(to kick ass on your breastfeeding journey from first latch to last).
You know you want to breastfeed.

The only problem?

Turns out it can be hard AF.

Especially when you’ve been led to believe you can just wing it. But when you’re preparing for something as important as feeding your baby, you need legit education and compassionate support.I’m here to make breastfeeding easier for you and your baby!
Help Me

Created for the expectant mom who…


wants to be prepared for lactation support when the baby arrives.


hopes to avoid pain and discomfort while nursing.


wants to ensure her baby gets the nourishment they need.


is tired of hearing generic breastfeeding advice.


doesn't want to spend her postpartum days scrolling the internet for solutions.


seeks support and connection during this journey.

If you're worried about facing breastfeeding challenges — I see you. And I'm here for you.

“I seriously have had the best breastfeeding experience this time. I am almost worried it's too easy!  No pain whatsoever — she is only 7 days old but latching beautifully. I am not stressed over producing enough and if I didn't know about cluster feeding I would be! I have referenced the guide 3X already and went back and watched The First 5 Days class. You literally have helped me more than you can know!”
“I did ZERO prep for breastfeeding my 1st and it was a trainwreck for the first 3 months. Killed my mental health and I hated the newborn phase. Then I purchased your course for my 2nd baby, because I was gut wrenched about breastfeeding again … and it’s been amazing. We’ve had no problems!! Every mom should buy Boob School. I’ll sing its praises forever!”
“I was so ready to toss in the towel (not really! I was just going to keep feeding my baby while dying inside) and your class changed my breastfeeding game. I have now fed twice in reclined position and baby has fully taken control of his latch and I could cry from NOT feeling any pain! Thank you thank you!!”
“I know we’ll be able to breastfeed a lot longer this time because of all your help, education, and support. The best thing about Boob School for me was how gentle you taught me to be with my body. So thankful for you!!”
“I had low supply with my first baby. I NEVER thought I would be able to EBF, but I believe your support and knowledge set me up for prepping my body for success for round two!”
“SO. FREAKING. GLAD. I took Boob School! I have been telling everyone about it and all the things I learned!! Seriously. I feel so grateful. I feel so well equipped and ready for this baby to come. Thank you so much for creating this course.”
Prepared First Time Mom

Boob School will help…

Nipple Confusion

Learn how to move seamlessly between breast and bottle.

Painful Latch

Make simple shifts that have a profound impact on getting that perfect latch.

Low Milk Supply

Build a great milk supply and know when and how to supplement.


Learn how to deal with painful engorgement, mastitis, and clogs.


Know exactly when to get started and how to pump with confidence and comfort.

How to Stash

Prepare for time away from baby (hello work and date nights!) without losing your mind.

The Process

Here’s how I’ll take you from overwhelmed to owning this shit.

Step 1.

Join Boob School

Get lifetime access to Boob School for just $147. That’s all the educational videos, all the tools, and all the live support from first latch to last (even if you have more babies!).
Step 2.

Watch the Video Modules

I’ll teach you everything you need to know to feel confident and comfortable with breastfeeding. I’ve broken it all down into eight 5-15 minute videos, so you can start putting your new tools to practice as soon as baby arrives!
Step 3.

Access Ongoing Support

You’ll get instant access to our exclusive Facebook community — a space full of other moms like you who know that we weren’t meant to figure this out alone. PLUS you can hop onto any of my weekly support calls for more personalized advice whenever you hit a bump in the road. I’m in this with you and I’m committed to making sure you find meaning and connection with your baby no matter what feeding looks like.

Breastfeeding doesn’t have to suck.

At least, not in the way that makes you want to scream into a pillow.


Eight Video Modules to Learn Breastfeeding Basics
→ Module 1: Hand Expression & Setting Yourself up for Success
→ Module 2: Latching 101
→ Module 3: Sore Nipples
→ Module 4: Milk Supply
→ Module 5: Supplementation Options
→ Module 6: Engorgement
→ Module 7: Nipple Shapes & Pumping Prep
→ Module 8: Dealing With Challenges

PLUS a Breastfeeding Basics Companion Guide!

*Videos are 5-15 minutes each.


Workshops & Masterclasses to Deep Dive and Troubleshoot
→ Learning Hand Expression Pre-birth
→ Latching Difficulty
→ Breast Pain and Clogs
→ How to Start Pumping
→ The Newborn Stage
→ Milk Supply Concerns
→ How to Give Bottles and/or Use Formula
→ Tongue Tie Concerns
→ Breastfeeding and Mental Health


Bonus PDFs and Exclusive Access to Breastfeeding Experts
→ Access to 60 videos from Natural Breastfeeding
→ Access to Kaia Lacy with Low Supply Moms for milk supply support
→ Community support in our Facebook Group
→ Weekly support calls with Kelly
→ Latching Checklist
→ Sore Nipple Treatment Guide
→ Safe Formula Prep Guide
→ Day by Day Diaper and Milk Intake Guide
→ Mastitis Clog Treatment Guide
→ And more!!!