My Top Product Recommendations for Breastfeeding

Feeling overwhelmed by all the "must-have" baby gear? Find out the products I recommend the most to breastfeeding mamas.

My Top Product Recommendations for Breastfeeding

Are you a new or expecting mom looking to learn more about essential breastfeeding products? If so, look no further! Nursing your little one is an incredibly rewarding experience and having the right tools can make all the difference in making it successful. We've rounded up our top picks for must-have items that any nursing mom needs to have on hand - from breast pumps to comfortable clothing options and beyond. Keep reading to discover our top essential breastfeeding products that will help simplify the process while providing comfort throughout your journey.

Products for sore nipples 

Silverettes: these are a product designed to provide relief from nipple pain caused by breastfeeding. They are small, silver-plated disks that are applied to the nipple before and after breastfeeding, you can wear them 24/7 in the early days. I could write a love letter to Silverettes. They are so useful and can help with a variety of tasks. From the Silverettes site, "Silver – a naturally antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial metal – contains potent anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to heal and prevent cuts, cracks, soreness, wounds, and infections." What more could a girl ask for??? They can also double as a great collection cup for hand expression that the baby can drink directly from. 

  1. To provide relief from nipple pain caused by breastfeeding: The silver in the disks is believed to have antimicrobial properties, which can help to prevent and heal nipple cracks and soreness.
  2. To prevent and heal nipple infections: The silver in Silverettes can help to protect the nipples from bacterial and fungal infections.
  3. To soothe sore nipples: Silverettes are cool to the touch and provide a soothing sensation to the breast.
  4. To provide a barrier between the baby's mouth and the nipple: Silverettes can be used to protect sore or cracked nipples from further irritation.

Top Recommended Breastfeeding Pillow

In general, I am a fan of reclined or laid-back breastfeeding for newborns. Latching in this way helps the baby to open wider and latch more deeply to the breast. For more information on latching check out our blog here!  Also, check out my free guide to baby-led latching, here.

However, I do recognize that all moms want to feed this way and in cases that moms want the extra support of a breastfeeding pillow, I recommend my breast friend pillow. I like this pillow because it is firm and sits higher up on the abdomen to get the baby to the right height to latch. I also like that it clips in place so it won't fall or move during feedings. Parents can also adjust how the pillow is turned on their body to offer support in a variety of positions like cross-cradle or football hold. 

Unlike the boppy pillow, (not a fan) my breast friend pillow is firm enough to really support a good latch and is a great tool for moms who prefer to use pillows to support early latching. 

Top Recommended Breast Pump 

There are so many breast pumps to choose from and finding the one for you depends on what you need or want. However, for most moms, I work with I find the Pumpables Genie Advanced (here is a link to 10% if you are interested) to fit the bill. 

Pumpables Genie Advanced Breast Pump is small enough for discrete pumping on the go especially when paired with collection cups that fit inside of the bra. This pump also uses silicone flange inserts which make pumping effective yet super comfortable. 

Many popular wearable pumps like the Elvie or the Willow have a steep learning curve and should not be used as primary pumps because most moms will not be emptied as effectively. However, with Pumpables Genie Advanced you get the same mobile ability while being comfortable, easy to use, and effective. So this gets my top vote for pumps. You may not be able to get Pumpables Genie Advanced directly from your insurance you may be able to purchase and apply for reimbursement or you use your HSA/FSA funds to purchase. 

Top recommended nursing/pumping bras

There are so many pumping bras and camis on the market for moms to choose from. My one main suggestion is to find a bra that will accommodate BOTH pumping and nursing. Moms often will find themselves doing a combination of both especially when they return to work and purchasing on bra with both capabilities is key!

Here is a list of some of my favs:

My friend Kristen from @bemybreastfriend on Instagram has a ton of bra reviews over on her website.

Top nursing pad recommendation

It is common for nursing moms to experience leaking especially in the early stages of breastfeeding.  Some moms will leak ALOT and some very little. Remember the amount you leak or if you leak is not a maker or your milk supply. 

I am not a fan of disposable nursing pads. They can be scratchy, uncomfortable, and feel like you are wearing a maxi pad in your bra. 

I much prefer the feel and absorbency of reusable bamboo pads like bamboobies. You can choose from their regular reusable pads for light to medium leaking or overnight pads for heavy leaking. 

Some moms will experience painful vasospasms if their nipples become too wet or cold. In cases like this merino wool nursing pads like these can be a lifesaver. 

Top Bottles for breastfed babies 

When choosing a bottle for a breastfeeding baby we want to find a bottle  nipple with a gradual slope like the Evenflo balance bottle. A gradual nipple slop promotes a wider latch for your baby and helps mimic the wide latch we want them to have at the breast.  We also want to find a bottle that has a slow flow which is more similar to the flow of the breast. It is important to note that bottle flow is not regulated and can vary greatly from brand to brand. 

Here are my top bottle brand recommendations for breastfed babies 

  • Evenflo balance bottle (if you can’t find one Amazon look at target or lactation hub) 
  • Doctor Brown’s standard neck slow flow or premie nipple 
  • Lansinoh bottles are a great shape for breastfed babies. The flow can be a bit on the faster side so if your baby seems to guzzle you can switch out the nipple for a slower flow pigeon brand nipple.

What else do you need

If you have been following me on Instagram, you know I am a huge proponent of prenatal breastfeeding education.  I find so many moms focusing on acquiring all the gear needed for breastfeeding and so little time acquiring the education and support needed to be successful with breastfeeding. Whether your goal is to breastfeed for 2 weeks or 2 years having the right education and support beforehand will make the entire experience less overwhelming and more empowering. 

Remember breastfeeding is a journey that can be difficult at times, but with the proper knowledge and tools, it can make the process easier. While this is only scratching the surface of what is out there to support breastfeeding mothers, these items can prove themselves invaluable during your journey. 

And finally, don't forget to ask for help along the way! Nursing moms deserve to be supported every step of the way- so take advantage of professionals who can provide guidance and advice as needed. If you are looking for one on one support our team of IBCLCs offers virtual consultations.

Do you need more help getting prepared for breastfeeding your baby? Check out our breastfeeding class for more information on topics such as latching tips, positions for breastfeeding, storage methods of expressed milk, returning to work, and blending breast and bottle feeding. 

I designed my breastfeeding program boob school to give you all the education you need to meet your breastfeeding goals with confidence.  I also know that breastfeeding comes with a lot of unknowns so we offer live support in our private Facebook community and weekly calls. I promise you it's not the “stuff” that makes your breastfeeding journey. It is having access to the RIGHT education and support to navigate every bump along the way. 

Cheering you on, always!



Boob School Founder and CEO

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